Friday, November 30, 2012

A: Angles

As I start the A-Z Project, I happily realize that it is in fact much more than a photography project. As I search for subjects that start with A to photograph, I start to observe things in more details: Is that foyer an Atrium? Does that nativity scene in the next door building have an Angel? Is that child carrying an Arithmetic book and don't the parents look like they are having an Argument? Is the man in the elevator wearing Argyle socks? I also have to think about how to express more abstract concepts: Can the trees still represent Autumn or do they look too wintry with all the leaves gone? Can I express Agony and Anguish with this facial expression? I am an Aunt and an Adult but how do I show that in a picture? I also start thinking about taking myself to the subjects: Should I shop for Apples in the store or visit the Arrival area at the airport? I can look for outdoor Advertisements on the street or check out new Art at the art gallery. The ideas keep rolling in and my vocabulary (in A at least) seems to expand as the day wears on.

Eventually, I settle on Angles. It's both abstract and concrete and it got me looking at objects in skewed and unexpected ways. I wish I had more time today to go out and explore different kinds of angles as it's a subject that would work well in all kinds of surroundings. I did find that lots of perspectives from my apartment are quite angular. I under-exposed the image to give it a slightly ominous feel. It's not the most interesting of pictures but the best I could manage on a busy day. And it does capture something of my mood today: haphazard, lopsided, and a little gloomy.

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